Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Bushwalks and Brothers

I loved Easter this year.  For so many reasons!  But honestly, the main reason is that I don't think I've ever been so excited about the Truth that we celebrate at Easter... a beautiful story of suffering, forgiveness, love and new life.  It just gets more precious every year, and every day.  We learnt a new song at church on Easter Sunday - Matt Maher's "Christ Is Risen"...  Great song, and it was so thrilling to hear and see it's lyrics (via Facebook!) remain on everyone's lips and hearts for days afterwards.  "O death, where is your sting?  O hell, where is your victory?  O church, come stand in the light... Our God is not dead, He's alive, He's ALIVE!"

Then there was the public holiday.  Monday is such a lovely day for a holiday!  This one was particularly cool, because my family decided to go for a bushwalk, and I was able to join them.  But not just any bushwalk... Here's a little of the back-story...

A couple of years ago, my favourite brother (weeell, only brother.) James, and one of his mates, decided to go for a bushwalk up at Mount Glorious.  They were trying out a new spot for a bushwalk, upon advice from a friend.  In an area which was beautiful, unpopulated, and off-the-beaten-track.  They were keen!  James let Mum and Dad know they were going for a walk, and off they wandered into the wintery bushland.  Fast forward to a few hours later...  no sign of James or his mate returning home.  The sun had set.  Mum and Dad had heard nothing, and he wasn't answering his phone.  Escalating panic, and the police were notified. They headed up to Mount Glorious, and found James' phone in his car... without any sign of the boys.  A search was commenced, and after some time, James and his mate were found - lost, in the pitch-black bushland, about 3km from the car.  The police brought them home safely, at around 11pm, to our massive relief.  Once the panic started to pass for everyone, I started to seriously enjoy some of the recounted elements of the story...  Going too far and not realising how fast the sun would set; cuddling together on the ground for warmth;  James drinking water out of his saturated jumper and socks (with a little inspiration from Bear Grylls).  Pretty intense.  But makes for a good story now!

SO.  On Monday, James took Mum, Dad and me to have a walk through that same bushland.  At sunny 1pm!  And it was great fun.  It was SERIOUS bushland though!  No wonder they were lost.  Wasn't so much "bushwalking" as climbing over trees and logs, leaping streams, dodging snakes (James nearly got bitten!), sliding down waterfalls...  Loved it!  Such a blessing to explore such a beautiful part of God's creation, and to spend time with people I love.

James, Dad and Mum heading down beside the waterfall.

Brother-sister moment...

 Watching his massive rock "sailboat" roll down the stream.

An especially nice day, since in just over a week's time James is moving to Sydney for at least a year.  I'm genuinely sad to think about my beautiful "little" brother moving away.  There's something really special about James, and I love having him around.  

But you know, it's also really exciting.  I know he'll have a gorgeous time down south, and hopefully have some good work opportunities down there.  And I love watching God's plan unfold in people's lives, and I'm looking forward to seeing where He takes my brother. 

So, how was your Easter??