Thursday, August 30, 2012

A Little Sidewards Glance...

I still remember a race my brother ran when he was in Grade 1.  (Probably only because my parents caught it on tape, and we've watched it as a family a couple of times since.)  It was the "little kid" version of the 100m sprint... so it was probably the 50m sprint or something! 

My brother's white blonde head was there somewhere towards the edge of the long line of boys on the starting line... his little, five-year-old, excited face alight with anticipation.  The beep gun goes off, and a crowd of knobbly, Grade One knees start dashing with all their might towards the finish line.  My brother was pretty speedy, and ended up a close second.  Fun footage of a "first athletics carnival"!

But more interesting than the race itself was something my Mum and Dad always commented on when watching it back...  Throughout the short race, James kept on glancing sideways - constantly checking the position of the other boys, how they were running, how fast they were, how he compared.  And it may well have cost him first place.  The advice from my parents?  "Good race!  But next time, don't keep on looking to the side - it's better to look straight ahead, and just run your own race."

I think that was good advice.  And I think, to a certain degree, it's good advice for the Christian life as well.  Obviously, we don't run in this life alone... in fact, we run in community.  Running alongside one another, spurring each other on, encouraging and challenging and helping one another.  But it can be so tempting to keep on glancing sideways and constantly compare ourselves with one another... how much we've grown, our strengths and weaknesses and personalities and how they match up with those of others, how fruitful we perceive our ministries to be, what we've "achieved", how good our relationships are...  Anything and everything.  Leaving us feeling either smugly superior or dismally hopeless and always falling short.

Hebrews 12:1-2 says:
Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.

We don't run alone.  We are surrounded by people, past and present, who tell us of God's faithfulness and spur us onto deeper faith and Christian maturity.  Yet, because of their very witness to Jesus, we fix our eyes on Him Alone... letting go of everything that holds us back, and running to him with all our strength and all our focus... whatever our speed, and whatever our "journey" looks like.

But comparison with others is deadly.  
It distracts, and puts us in danger of not finishing the race.

Here's the thing.  While we're anxiously glancing sideways at the people running beside us, using all our mental, emotional and spiritual energy in analysing how we "measure up", we are no longer looking towards the finish line.  We've taken our eyes off Jesus.  Our identity, our security, our progress, and our direction is no longer grounded in him.  We're drifting.  We can get distracted or lost, or trip and fall, never finishing the race.  We can't run with joy and confidence, because, as long as other people are our yardstick, we'll never measure up.  There's always someone running faster, or with a better style / less effort / a bigger cheersquad... than us.  And it can lead us into the deadly valley of discontent, envy and works-based fear.

Our wise and loving God has made each of us unique, with our own gifts, personality and opportunities.  We each have our own challenges, sins and struggles.  We have our own journey in following Jesus.  But we know that he who began a good work in you will bring it completion at the day of Jesus Christ. (Philippians 1:6) 

Sometimes, it isn't easy to keep your eyes fixed on the finish line.  Other people can seem to keep breezing past us, seemingly with minimal effort when we're really struggling... and it can be so tempting to keep glancing sideways, trying to somehow justify to ourselves that we're "doing OK".  But we just end up choked by the anxiety of inadequacy.  
Let's not play the deadly Comparison Game.  Let's train and discipline ourselves to keep looking forward to our precious, loving Lord Jesus.  Let's fight for this.  I know that I need this, probably more than anyone!  I need to look and run towards Jesus with every bit of strength and focus I have.  It's going to be hard at times.  But it's worth it.  I'm absolutely convinced of this.  We have incomparable love and treasure in Jesus;  through the undeserved grace of God towards us.  So, let's run this race together, all fixing our eyes on the finish line... looking to Jesus alone.

Not that I have already obtained this or am already perfect, but I press on to make it my own, because Christ Jesus has made me his own. Brothers, I do not consider that I have made it my own. But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.  (Philippians 3:12-14)

Every athlete exercises self-control in all things. They do it to receive a perishable wreath, but we an imperishable. So I do not run aimlessly; I do not box as one beating the air. But I discipline my body and keep it under control, lest after preaching to others I myself should be disqualified. (1 Corinthians 9:25-27)

Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called and about which you made the good confession in the presence of many witnesses. (1 Timothy 6:12)

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

My First Ever Meme!

So, a little meme has been circulating the blogosphere, and I'm one of a few bloggers who was tagged by the lovely Danielle.  Making this my first ever meme!  I'm just a little bit over the moon.

I love lists.  There was sort of a mini "in-joke" that, during "get-to-know-you" games in our Bible study group last year, I was seemingly incapable of ever giving a simple answer, but rather, always battled a compulsion to give a "Top 3".  There are just so many things to be celebrated and considered in so many areas... it's so hard to narrow it down!!  (Probably a weakness more frequently than a strength in my case, I suspect.)  But, that aside, the theme of this little tag-along meme is Five Things I'm Excited About or Looking Forward To.  So, without further ado, let's go!

1.  This meme!  Not going to deny it, I've secretly always wanted to be "tagged" to participate in one of these.  There's something joyful, relational and fun about it!  And as already mentioned, I love lists ;)

2.  Passenger.  It's been true love for a little while now between me and this one-man-band from the UK, with his simple, beautiful melodies and insightful lyrics.  He thinks deeply about life and relationships, and I find myself constantly fascinated, amused and saddened by the reflections captured in his songs.  His CDs have been going round and round and round in the car... and I still get excited when it reaches the end, and begins all over again!  And to top it all off, I was able to see him live in concert last week!!  I'm sad it's over, but still excited about his music and how incredible he was.  Oh, and while I'm being excited about music, Owl City's latest album has just come out!!  Hopefully will grab a copy tomorrow.  Bring on the Synth Pop Sunshine!

3.  Our Grade 11 Growth Group.  I've had the privilege of leading and growing with a group of beautiful high-school-age young women for the last 3.5 years, some of whom have been in the group since Grade 8.  Others have joined more recently, as well as another gorgeous, godly young adult woman as a co-leader.  In fact, God has grown our group in such a way that our now-quite-large group will be branching into two smaller groups.  There'll be loss and grief with aspects of the change, but I'm constantly amazed by the way that God is continuing to draw his daughters to himself here in Brissy... and that I get to be a small part of it, and help support them (and learn from them!) as they grow to know him more.  Honestly, nothing is more exciting.

4.  Books.  It feels like I'm just drowning in good books at the moment... I've bought a few, been lent a few, have re-discovered a few on my bookshelf that I've never read but want to...  I always find it to be a challenge to set reading priorities, and decide the books in which to invest precious reading time - but what a blessed, wonderful challenge!  I'm genuinely excited about what these books might contain, and what God may challenge me with, and teach me though them.  How good are books?!

5.  Nepal.  As I've mentioned in previous posts, I spent an unforgettable six months in Nepal from August last year.  In God's incomprehensible grace, I have the opportunity to return to Nepal for three weeks at the end of this year, with a small team of people.  So excited!  Nepal is a beautiful country, filled with beautiful people, and I simply can't wait to go back with others, and again see what God is doing there, first-hand.

6.**  Finally, my birthday!!  It's five days until my birthday, and I still get excited about it.  There's just something fun and joyful about birthdays!  Also, this particular birthday is one that's a bit special to me :)

So, that's it!  Actually, a couple of the above are rather "out-of-the-ordinary", and exciting in their distinction from usual weekly events...  But you know, I think it's actually the more everyday things - the activities, relationships, joys and challenges of the Ordinary - that can be the most exciting and life-changing.  It's actually really precious to take a moment to celebrate them.  So thank you, blog and any readers :)

Oh, and I suppose I should pass this on!  FUN!!  OK, Chelsie, Josh and Catriona - consider yourselves tagged.  Look forward to reading your lists!

 (**  Whoops.  Cheated and listed six things.  But I could hardly leave my birthday out ;) )

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Ebay. Taking Internet Dating to a Whole New Level.

I'm not a huge Ebayer.  It's been good to me a few times in the past... it provided me with my first washing machine for $56 (it lasted about 3 months, but you know, for that price - fair enough.  It had probably had a tough life).  As well as with a uni textbook on Principles of Surgery (or something) that was out of print.  Stoked.
But that said, I'm certainly not on there often... Until this last week.

I've been following one particular listing with abnormal interest. A Mr Peter Westbrook has put himself up for auction - with the highest female bidder being taken on a date to Grill'd in Southbank - "definitely amazing". honestly, I just loved everything about this offer!  He just looks nice, Grill'd is yummy and healthy, and all the money bid on the date goes towards a good cause (the Every Child Matters Foundation). 

My favourite line in the original item description:  
"No catches - apart from the great one you will have when you win the bid!!"

It started at $20.  When I first saw it a few days ago, it had already climbed to $450... 
but finished on $1500!  Now that's effective fundraising.  
I hope Peter and his date have a happy time at Grill'd...  
The chickpea pattie burger is delish.