You can check out what CMS is about here.
So, we are the team going to the beautiful country of Nepal! Five of us are going... and all getting pretty excited by now!! I lived in Nepal for six months from August 2011 until February 2012, and I am so unbelievably thrilled to be heading back. I still can't quite believe I have the opportunity to return so soon. Thank you God.
You may be asking, "so, what will you be doing over there?" Excellent question. I'll update what we get up to on this blog throughout the trip. But it sounds like we'll have the opportunity to see and get a little involved with a few different things, including church-related activities, investing in relationships, checking out some of the health and development work going over there, and a few other things. More to come...
For much of the time, we'll be doing most things alongside expatriate cross-cultural workers who work under an organisation called the International Nepal Fellowship (INF). I had a lot to do with INF last time I was in Nepal, and they're a fantastic organisation, founded on solid Christ-centred principles, and with a real heart to see God glorified and people cared for in the name of Jesus.
You can check out what INF is about here.
INF have published a series of videos, which give a snapshot of some of the work that they're doing in Nepal. Here's just one beautiful, touching story:
We leave late tonight from Brisbane International Airport. If you'd like to pray for us, please pray that God would go before us throughout our trip, that we might be humble and teachable; ready to listen, learn and change as God grows in us his heart for the nations and the lost. Also that we might shine the light of Jesus, wherever we are and whatever we're doing! Also please pray for the work of CMS, and INF.
Hope you all have a great Saturday night! Now, as one of my friends described it: to the land of mountains and lentils!