Monday, July 23, 2012

Music Monday #3

This is Passenger. A now one-man band, comprised of singer-songwriter Mike Rosenberg. My brother (who has varied and very cool taste in music!) introduced me to Passenger, and I haven't been able to turn him off since. He writes beautiful, simple, soul-searching songs.
It's a funny thing, falling in love with the music of a secular artist like this. As a Christian, there isn't a single part of life that is outside of the glorious truth of Jesus; and outside of his loving rule. Not a single thought, anxiety or desire that floats around in my mind is outside the ocean that is his grace. (At least, this is the reality, and by his grace, I'm becoming oh-so-slowly more aware of it in the messiness of each day!) And in our universal quest for meaning, love and significance, only in Jesus do we find that which we seek.
I think it's this that makes Passenger's music simultaneously so engaging, joyful and sad.
Engaging, because he handles the precious medium of music with such sincerity and love. And, even more than that, he explores the questions, sorrows and thoughts of the human heart. He sings about life, love and the things we all seek and ponder as part of our human lives. We can't help but relate, at least at certain points. Some sentiments in this song (and others of his) make me smile, ache and cry with the depth to which they resonate with my heart.
Joyful. There's truth in many of his thoughts and observations. Amongst others:
A sense of value in selflessness...
Give what you're given.
Pondering misplaced values and what we consider important...
We all had new iPhones, but no one had no one to call.
And joyful because the incredible combination of music, words, the human heart and mind, and the ability to question and search and love... it's all from God. This man was made in God's image and given unique gifts. God even created the spectacular backdrop for this performance, with the field stretching into the distance, the sun, shadows, sky, clouds and gentle breeze. God has made humankind, music and our world just beautiful, and there's so much to celebrate.
Yet there's sadness. There's so much that's searching for something more, something beyond this life... to align his journey with someone going the right direction. I'll stick out my thumb and trudge down the highway - someday, someone must be going my way home. For all the human thoughts and longings he explores, he never arrives at the Answer his heart is seeking. He never celebrates and sings of the One who gave him his gifts; who created and sustains him.
Don't cry for the lost, smile for the living.
 I wonder who the "lost" are, according to this song? Maybe it's those who are constantly chasing material things or success, those tied down by mortgages and loans, those who don't take the time to "explore themselves", maybe travel, fall in love, to really "live" and experience life, love, the world and all it's pleasures. I wonder...
But what I do know is Jesus, and how he has actually provided the definition for these terms. Through his death and resurrection, he has given all who trust in him new life, and life eternal. By his grace alone, they are the living. And those who pursue life their own way, pursue life apart from him, are the lost. And this saddens God, and it should sadden us. I think we can cry for the lost... and let this spur us on to speak about Jesus - the only one in whom we can find hope, love and salvation.
Just some thoughts. If you haven't heard this beautiful song before, I hope you like it!
Who do you like to listen to?

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