Monday, October 8, 2012

The Practice of Art

"I can't draw!"

How often have you heard this phrase spoken by anyone beyond their primary school years?  Whenever the topic of drawing or painting comes up, I invariably hear this.  (Frequently, from my own lips.)  I've certainly never felt like I was particularly talented in the area of visual arts.

But I was challenged about this recently.  The comment was made that adults will often say that they can't draw... but in fact, it truly is a learnable skill.  Any primary school child can draw!!  Particularly in the early years, that's just what they do; it's how they express themselves.  But as the school years progress, we start to use primarily words and numbers...   Pursuing visual art and music etc is a choice made by but a few - presumably the artistically interested and skilled.  Yet, like most things, drawing and painting can and need to be practised... and they can be learned.  In fact, exercising creativity in this way engages different parts of the brain and helps to keep the brain active, as well as being a pretty cool form of relaxation and leisure.

I've also been convicted of the importance of having the humble confidence to just try it... and to not be crippled by fear and pride, sometimes to the point of not even feeling able to start!  With art (similarly to most things in life), you'll make mistakes; some drawings will look ridiculous and, most likely, make people laugh.  You may never be as good as others, or as good as you'd like.  This always gets harder as we get older... we're adults now, and we like to pick things up right away.  We don't like feeling like children... like beginners.  But I think that's part of the value of pursing things like this - being willing to learn and grow.  Being willing to set aside our need to look competent.  We can then learn to explore things, to exercise abilities God has given us, to be creative, and to enjoy the world God has placed us in.

So.  On the weekend I pottered down to the beautiful, familiar waterfront near where I grew up and still live today - and I gave it a crack.  And yep, definitely made me laugh!  But I loved doing it.  Solitude by the bay;  relaxed yet focused.  It made me pay attention to the small everyday details around me like never before (although you wouldn't think it from the accuracy of the final result!!)  And I think paying attention is something that has real value.  Anyway, here it is...  to encourage others to have a go!  Do it.

You can get cheap art supplies at Crazy Clarks.



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