This song is definitely an oldie but (I reckon), a goodie. I'd almost forgotten this song existed, but have just rediscovered it in the last week or so (thanks Spotify!)
I love the Newsboys. Unashamedly. I can't help but be drawn to their pop-rock sound, and Peter Furler's distinctive vocal tones and fantastic energy! But most of all, I love their lyrics. I love the way they use new, thought-provoking words and imagery to express gospel truth.
There are so many Newsboys songs worthy of a blog feature. But, as I said, this is definitely the one that has made a happy home in my head and heart - at least at the moment...
"In Wonder".
It's a song that ponders the overwhelming magnificence and beauty of the world around us. Rejoices in all that God's hands have made, and the way that all creation is drawn to stand in wonder at the God behind it all. Songs about the wonder of the universe have always struck a chord with me... God of Wonders, Indescribable, Psalms 8 and 104... I find it pretty easy to look at this incredible planet and out into the atmosphere, and stand in awe of the God who made it all. (I'm probably not unusual in this!) But more that that, I love "In Wonder" because it doesn't stop there - at a God who makes pretty things... even if they're big and amazing pretty things! It points out that the God who is so stunningly powerful and imaginative to have made all this, actually cares about us - to the point of sending his own dearly-loved son to rescue us from the mess we've made. He gets his hands dirty in his own creation, even though he has never been obliged to. Such is his glory, mercy and love.
Whenever I hear this song, and am reminded of these truths, I want to stop whatever I'm doing, and join in as all creation sings in wonder... every sea, every creature, every star! God is worthy of our songs, and I'm thrilled to be one of the many voices which belong to him and sing with love to him.
Will you join me?
(Even if you're not a fan of this particular song! Great as they are, you sure don't need the Newsboys, or any band, to worship God...)
Such a wonder... ordering time and tide
Such a wonder... bridging the great divide
I consider all that you had, all you gave
All that you endured from this rebel world
What a wondrous cross you chose to bear
What a wonder you would even care
YES! I love the Newsboys, too. Their songs have been such a blessing to me and still come to mind at times when I need their reminders the most.