Thursday, July 19, 2012

Resolved to Blog Better (for the 374th time.)

There's been a lot of talk about blogging happening lately!  And secretly (or not so secretly), I've loved every minute and every comment of it.  Dave has returned to his blog with a vengeance, after a 2-year hiatus, and has been seeking helpful hints from blog-writing and -reading friends as to what makes a good blog.  There have been some great suggestions from lots of people, including Nathan and his blog, Julie and a few others.

Anyway.  Having all these fantastic people around me blogging, and talking about it, means that I definitely feel newly inspired, and a little better equipped, to retry this thing.  I seem to spend so much of life resolving to do so many things better and more faithfully that I seem to fail at the vast majority of it...  Sigh.  But let's put that unhelpful attitude aside and power on!!

Out of all the good advice, here's just a few of the points I'm going to focus on (and if you're a struggling blogger, maybe helpful for you too?)

1.  Post often.  Since I'm guessing "often" is more than once every 2 months, I should be able to improve in this area without too much effort.

2.  Be concise.  Hmm.  Check out my last post, if you dare.  Loved writing it and reflecting on YNET (such a good weekend!)... but I possibly have scope for improvement in this area.  Noted.

3.  Feel free to write about silly things.  I think this one is pretty freeing.  It's a great thing to want to put significant stuff out there, and to contribute something thought-provoking and edifying to the blog-world.  But it can actually start to feel crippling...  there can be a genuine fear in posting anything, in case it's just not worthwhile or thought-provoking enough to be blogged about, let alone maybe read by others.   

OK.  I'll stop at three.  That's enough to work on.  (And I'm working on number 2 already.  Yessss.)

One of my favourite comments over all this blogscussion was from one of my favourite bloggers.  "Write often and your voice will become stronger and truer. Plus, words breed words. The more we discuss, the more we find there IS to discuss."  I just love this, and the truth in it.

Happy blogging everyone!  I'm excited!! 
P.S.  Oh, and yes.  I have just learnt how to link to other blogs and pages.  
Too much of a good thing? ;)


  1. I LOVE this post, Bloss -- aligns with so many things I've been pondering myself! Also I'm pretty honoured to be 'quoted' -- makes me feel like a celeb!

    I hope that, over the weekend, I have time to add to the conversation by posting some similar thoughts at my blog. But regardless, I look forward to seeing more of your words.


    1. Thanks Danielle! I'm glad - it's nice to think and "chat" about the same things with people, even online! I just loved that FB comment you made. Look forward to reading any of your thoughts about it!! (I also loved your most recent blog-letter to your S-pipe!!)


  2. Nice work Bloss! Keep up that blogging and dont be afraid to blog about ALL of your varied and fascinating interests ;) We your devoted public will be waiting for the next exciting update! Hahaha

    1. Thanks heaps for the encouragement!! Haha, you're way too kind! Not sure about varied and fascinating, but I'll do my best... ;) Thanks Lachy :)
